Instructions and FAQs

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Email or call me on: or +61-041-102-2502

What is a nesting calculator?
Calculates how to cut beams, given lengths available for purchase, so you can minimise wasted steel (and cost).
Can you guarantee THE optimal solution?


My solution will be very good, but may not be the ABSOLUTE best.

What is the blade thickness?
Every time you cut some steel - you lose a little bit i.e. if you cut a 12000 mm beam in half - you will get x2 beams of: 5998 mm in length. (the 4 mm you lose is the 'blade thickness').

Part List Questions

What is a part_list.xlsx file?
  • profiles
  • lengths
  • part numbers
associated with a project.
What is the part_list file format required?
  • Microsoft Excel '.xlsx' file.
  • NOT an '.xls' file (which has a missing 'x' on the end).
Do you have a sample '.xlsx' part_list file?
Click here.
What columns are required in the part_list '.xlsx' file?
  • "PartPos"
  • "Profile"
  • "No."
  • "Material"
  • "Length (mm)"

The columns must match exactly.

Off Cut Questions

What is an offcut file?
It lists beams already in your factory.
Why have an offcut file?
To minimise purchases, save money.
Off cut file format?

Same format as part_list.xlsx file format.

  • "PartPos" (but leave this column empty)
  • "Profile"
  • "No."
  • "Material"
  • "Length (mm)"
How do I make an off_cut file?
  • Download the template here.
  • Go to the tekla profiles and copy any applicable profiles listed there.
  • The profiles MUST MATCH exactly (or it won't work).
  • e.g. SHS15*15*1.8 and SHS15x15x1.8 will be recognised as different profiles - because the formatting is different.
  • The formatting of the profiles must be the same between your off_cut file and your part_list file.
How does it work?
  1. Add the beams you need.
  2. Select the lengths available for purchase.
  3. We'll tell you how to minimise wastage.